Why is it so difficult to make decisions...
Try to decide between 10 million Euros and 12 million Euros. Which one do you choose? Easy: None or the highest value. Right? Everything should be as easy, but it is not...
How do you choose between staying in your country and develop your own cuisine in your own restaurant, already opened, but not yours yet, or going to France, to a new restaurant, to be opened, working with two Great French Michelin Starred Chefs and in a place such as Dijon?
Tell me. How can I choose ? Both are huge leaps for me. Both are huge challenges. I love both choices, both ideas.
I think that I already know what to do, but I am still not 100% sure.
Leave me some comments on this, please: Help me decide...
I forgot to mention that I am presently discussing with a major Portuguese t.v. Production Company, the possibility of having my own T.V. program about cooking.
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